A Propos

Site purpose / Disclaimer

This site is nothing more than a place where you can ifnd information for your GPS. This autor cannot be considered as responsible for any issue with you car or GPS or for any other kind of problem due to the consultation and download on this site. You are the only one responsible for any action on your GPS. Read and respect car ang GPS constuctor advice before any action on it. You must respect the law of the contries you are traveling with your GPS.

Editor and Publication Manager

This site is published and posted to non-professional agreements with the Act No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, the editor reserves the right not to publish here personal information.


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This web host currently holds personal information about the author of this site.

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Personal data collected by web2diz.net are only for internal use. Under no circumstances this data be transferred or sold to third parties. Only comments give rise to a record of connection information (IP address, username, email address and possibly website).


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